Putting impetus on imbibing Safety culture in Manali Refinery, CPCL has taken maiden initiative in inaugurating the start of Behaviour Based Saftey (BBS) on 8th November 2021. Dr. H.L. Kaila, renowned faculty on BBS was present in Refinery on this occasion.
Shri. Arvind Kumar, Managing Director, CPCL inaugurated the start of BBS alongwith Directors, CGMs and other Officials. He stressed on the need for following a ‘Safe Work Culture’ and thereby aim at ‘Zero Accident’ at CPCL. He urged all employees to devote 5 minutes daily at their work place on observing the unsafe acts and taking corrective actions and this should be percolated down to every employee and contract workers in the Refinery.
Dr. H.L. Kaila dealt with various aspects of ‘Behaviour Based Safety’ and procedures to be followed for implementation of BBS, in which both managers and front line personnel conduct observations, analyse & initiate corrective actions for the unsafe behaviour by workers.
About 120 employees and 95 contractor workers participated in the program.