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CPCL Awarded by FICCI & Municipal Administration & Water Supply Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

CPCL is conferred with an award under the category “Usage of Secondary Treated Water for Industrial Use for the year 2021” during Virtual Water Conclave & Awards 2021 organised by FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of commerce and Industry), Tamil Nadu Council supported by Municipal Administration & Water Supply Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.

Mr.S.Krishnan, Director (Operations), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited received the   award from Mr. Shiv Das Meena, IAS., Additional Chief Secretary of Municipal Administration & Water Supply Department on Wednesday, 24th  November, 2021

The award was presented to Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited for best utilisation of Secondary Treated City Sewage Water of 15 MLD on continuous basis to produce Industrial water (Demineralised plant feed water i.e RO water) through Tertiary treatment plant at CPCL since 1990. The usage of Secondary Treated Water has helped CPCL to be self-reliant on water requirement for refinery operations besides easing out the  burden of CMWSSB  in catering the  fresh water  for public use instead  of industrial use .

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